28th, 1986, the spacecraft blew apart just 73. We pause to recall the memory of all those courageous souls,” said Konikov. NASA / AP By January of 1986 America was already bored with spaceflight. Editor's note: NASA and the nation mark a sad occasion this week, the 20th anniversary of the explosion of the Space Shuttle Challenger. No matter how fast we’re going, no matter how important our work, we must pause and think about why we’re here on Earth, and that’s what we’re doing today. He is best known for having raised strenuous objections to the launch of the Space Shuttle Challenger months before the loss of the spacecraft and its crew in January 1986.
But Zvi Konikov, a local rabbi, recalled how Israel’s first astronaut, Ilan Ramon, asked him before the flight how to observe the Sabbath during two weeks in orbit with multiple sunsets a day. Roger Mark Boisjoly ( / bole / BOH-zh-LAY, 2 Ap January 6, 2012) was an American mechanical engineer, fluid dynamicist, and an aerodynamicist.

None of the Columbia astronaut family members attended the morning ceremony. NASA’s two shuttle accidents account for more than half of the names carved into the black granite of the Space Mirror Memorial plane crashes are to blame for the rest.

Many still vividly remember exactly where they were and what they were doing when they heard about the tragedy. More than 100 people gathered under a gray sky at Kennedy Space Center to remember not only Columbia’s crew of seven, but the 18 other astronauts killed in the line of duty. The Challenger shuttle crew, of seven astronauts-including the specialties of pilot, aerospace engineers, and scientists- died tragically in the explosion of their spacecraft during the launch of STS-51-L from the Kennedy Space Center about 11:40 a.m., EST, on January 28, 1986. Diane Vaughan With a New Preface When the Space Shuttle Challenger exploded on January 28, 1986, millions of Americans became bound together in a single, historic moment. NASA marked the 20th anniversary of the space shuttle Columbia tragedy with somber ceremonies and remembrances during its annual tribute to fallen astronauts on Thursday. (Image credit: NASA.) This week marks the somber 25th anniversary of the accident that killed seven astronauts aboard NASAs space shuttle Challenger less than two minutes into their flight.